Tuesday, November 28, 2006

...and red all over

I did a little more thrifting last weekend. My secret thrift store was set up for Christmas and I went hog wild. This is but a bit of the stuff I hauled back. Love how it all matches.
First off there's this great candy cookbook. I mostly bought it for the cover art. It's from 1934. I love seeing how things were back in the day, back when people made candy, pulled taffy and glaceed fruit. Instead of going down to the mall to get it, I mean.

I also picked up my angel wings. They're little ones, maybe for a cabbage patch doll or something but they are beautifully made and my own pair was getting a little woebegone. I'll just keep them on hand, you know, just in case.

Swedish stars - aren't they cute. I got dozens of them

Then these little darlings were 25 cents. For both. I don't have a plan for them but I needed to have them. Isn't that the way we do it, though?

And one other ounce of red - these four little cloths. I think they're meant to be cocktail napkins but I'm not sure. I loved the little birds, however so I couldn't resist.

I've come to a time in my life where I much prefer thrift shopping to any other kind. Partly it's the hunt and adventure. But more than anyhting it's the uniqueness of the merchandise. My new goal is to hit all the rummage sales I can find. Thrift stores have become fairly mundane around here as I gather they have in many places. They get picked over by collectors. But at rummage sales there's still a fighting chance to get great stuff. I'll share.
Later, my taters

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Blogger Very Mary said...

Oh how I long to have a rummage sale weekend with Queen Vallen!!! I don't know if we can swing it, but let's shoot for a visit next summer. The vintage stuff around here is TO DIE for!

12:38 PM  
Blogger maggiegracecreates said...

Wouldn't it be fun to all get together. I would be willing to drive to get to Ms MaryAnn's

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lady should never be without her angel wings!

Those two little card people are adborable too.

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice pickings! I almost feel like I was in that store with you.

3:39 PM  
Blogger woof nanny said...

Holy cow, nice finds. Nice shop! Wow. I love the angel wings and the candy book. I love old-fashioned recipes.

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah red! You got some nice things there.

2:15 AM  

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